Shortly afterwards, as I was driving to work, I realized, that I too suffer from separation anxiety. Now, I don't cry, scream and put my husband in a death grip-lock but I do pout. I used to think that I enjoyed my alone times and even leaned on being a loner but I've realized that I don't like it. Well, I don't like being away from G. I pout when he leaves and I pout when he won't join me on running errands (if I'm without the kids). He usually gives in but it takes some begging from me. It's not that I'm needy, I just like being around him. We don't even have to talk, I just like feeling his presence. As much as I want him and need him to go back to work, I know I'm going to miss him terribly. I've gotten too used to him being around. Too bad I can't be 16 months and scream, yell and grip his legs to stay...he might think I'm crazy. Oh, that's right, he already does :)
26 Mother’s Day Crafts from Kids
5 years ago
I'm the same way with B. I enjoy just having him there, even if we're just running errands! As much as I am looking forward to getting away this weekend, I know that I will be missing B and the girls terribly by Saturday. I'm hoping all the sleep I'll get will soothe those feelings away though!
maybe your friends will soothe those feelings away too! just sayin'. ; )
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