Thursday, February 18, 2010

Positive Reinforcement

In my ever quest to find the appropriate and most successful discpline for my crazy toddler I am settling on the positive reinforcement method (for now). Other than the occassional AJ!, I am really, really, really trying not to yell at my kids. Seena is a backtalker and is already an emotional mess and well, AJ, just thinks it's all funny. So with positive reinforcement I am patiently with gritted teeth remembering NOT to focus on the wrong but on all the good AJ does. Naturally, there is a lot of "Good boy, AJ", high 5's so on, what have you. Good right? Remember the emotional mess up there? Well, she's starting to show a little jealousy. Anytime I say "good boy", "good job" or seem super happy of over something positive AJ did, I get a pouty lipped 5 year old asking why she's not getting a "good job". Instead of going along with it and just giving her a high five or a "you're always doing a good job" response, I dive right into a full explanation of how mommy is trying to show AJ how HAPPY mommy is when he does the right thing instead of yelling when he does something know...positive reinforcement.

In return I get a blank stare followed by, "yeah, I don't understand that. You'll need to draw me a picture."

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Ugh...good luck with that! She's going to be a hell of a teenager!