Monday, June 14, 2010

The Birds, the Bees and Chicken

I know it's been eons but I had to write this down before I forgot.....

I heard Seena crying softly in her room. I thought it was because she was upset at our argument before bed but I was completely shocked by what was upsetting her.

Me: What's the matter, sugar.
Seena: I don't want to grow. I'm scared. I want to stay 5.

which then led to, what happens when you die? What do you in heaven? I don't want to die, I don't want to grow is where I got instant tears....and somewhere in this conversation she brought up not wanting kids because she's scared of the hospital cutting her belly....?????

then, the question was how does God make us? ....Umm, so not ready for the bird and the bees conversation yet...So, I asked for further clarification, "Do you mean where did Aiden come from?" Seena replies, "no, how did God make us? Are we made from chicken?" Such sweet innocence...I don't want her to grow either....

Since I was not prepared to explain to my 5 year old the truth yet I reminded her of what we read in the Bible. God made a man and a woman, Adam and Eve, and everyone came from them.

That seemed to satisfy her for the moment and then she asked, "well, if everyone dies, what will happen to earth when everyone dies?"

Needless to say, this came out of total left field, but I think we ended the conservation with smiles and good thoughts.

Maybe seeing all my grey hairs popping up all over my head has her all up in arms? ;)

Sweet dreams....

Thursday, April 29, 2010

No More Do-Si-Doe

Now that the school year is coming to a close...I have to take a moment to reflect on some of the major differences I've seen at Seena's school. It's amazing what these kids have at their fingertips now.

One of my biggest shocks was in Seena's gym class. (I think I've mentioned this before). Back in the day when I went to elementary school our curriculum included square dancing. Does anyone remember that? A little do-si-doe! Now the dance curriculum has been replaced with Dance Revolution! Each kid had his/her own mat and there were probably 50 kids in the room. It was quite a site!

One of Seena's encore classes (similar to electives) is computer lab!!! I know it's the "sign of the times" but it's incredible to me. It makes me wonder what it will be like when AJ is in kindergarten. Forget the computers, he'll be required to have a Smart Phone as part of his class materials.

The classes have smart boards...very cool.

This week was Space Week and there was a blow up planetarium that the kids got to go in and learn about space. Very, very cool!

Prior to the slashing of the counties school budgets, we almost had an Outdoor Science Lab complete with a full blown watershed. Our school would have been the first in the county to have this (darn!). I saw the proposed diagrams and design and it was pretty amazing. I know the PTA is trying to see if we can somehow still pay for it but I think it may be out of our reach...for now.

There's even kindergarten drama...and not the theater kind. Seena and her little gang of girls have already started with the whole "I'm not your friend"/"I'm your friend" drama. I thought this stuff didn't start until at least 6th grade!

But ultimately what amazes me the most is how much Seena is learning. She's learning to read and write, she's learning to add and subtract, she's learning about our presidents, tadpoles, Martin Luther King, Jr., counting to 100, counting backwards...the list just goes on. I really do hope Seena doesn't ever lose the love of learning.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Don't Even Know How to Start???

First off, I have to say that I'm almost embarrassed to actually start writing again....i don't even know how long it's been....3 weeks? And it's FLOWN's been a whirlwind to say the least. Besides my allergies literally knocking me out last week I've barely had time to sit back and digest everything.

What I can say is that things are happening...and they are happening FAST! In as little as a few weeks, especially this one:

I've been thrown in the midst of LLCs, Article of Organizations, partnerships, cash flow projections, investors, operating agreements, peckers, wing fanatics and hope.
We've saved our home! Our loan has been officially modified!
Meetings, meetings and meetings... and meetings
I've died from my allergies
I've gain back all of the weight I thought I had lost.

And for all who know me and know me well, know that I do not wish bad things on anyone, not even my enemies. But I just recently learned that the man who ultimately was responsible for us losing our restaurant and ruining our lives, has finally had the tables turned on him. I secretely wished for this....I never prayed for it...I wouldn't do that but I did hope that he would one day feel bad for what he had done to us. And from what I understand, he has. And that makes me very happy.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring AKA Sugar Break 2010 (Part 3 of 3)

I realize it's a week later but it's been a bit hectic around here lately. I've had a lot of catching up to do and I can happily say that I'm 90% there! Yeah! So, without further ado..

The last part of our Sugar Fest was Easter. I'm one of those freaky people that loves holidays and loves to decorate the house and plan themed activites according to the holiday. Whether that actually happens is a whole other thing. I used to have the time to plan these "events" but the last few years and more so lately, things get planned the day before or the morning of. This year we got lucky the eggs were actually dyed!

As for the sugar fest, well, Easter is the one holiday that I let go of the candy/cookie rule. I let the kids eat candy all day long if they want. I know crazy but I also limit how much candy is actually available to them. As for their Easter baskets, I have to thank my dear friend V for providing old books and toys that I used to fill them up with.

It was a gorgeous day, the kids had a great time, we had lots of yummy food and we still had a day off the next day...a much needed day of relaxation.

Deep in concentration...Seena is trying to paint on the eggs

Finished work of art

messy fingers

on the hunt...

Easter kids

are there more?

Ya Ya and the kids

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring AKA Sugar Break 2010 (Part 2 of 3)

Today's stroll down Sugar Break 2010 takes us to Hershey Park! The meca of all chocolately goodness!!! Fortunatley/unfortunatley - depends on who you ask (G is still shocked that I didn't bring him back any candy --(it's Hersheys, you can get that at anywhere for I'm sure 1/2 the price)) we didn't buy any chocolate but we bought everything else. Anyway, back to the story...I decided to take the kids to Hershey Park over Spring myself :) Surpringsly, it went well! Even AJ did reasonably well, even without a nap. The hardest part was trying to keep my eyes open on the drive back home.

This was the first amusement park for AJ and from the looks of it he loved it! I actually got to ride 3 adult roller coasters, one of which went straight down and the other shot you off like a rocket. Wooh! Of course, I had to bribe my little angels with some ice cream in order to wait in line without any "episodes". Seena even drove the Classic Car by herself. She was very nervous and got a little anxious when she noticed the "back-up" behind her but she did great. And her defense, her foot WAS all the way down on the pedal :)

It's interesting, as little as 6 years ago I would have been upset that I didn't get to ride everything at an amusement park but this time, I simply enjoyed watching my kids have the time of their lives. It was a lot of fun and a lot of laughs!

I know AJ and probably Seena are too young to remember but hopefully with the 50 million pictures I took they'll be able to see all the fun we had.

Teen and her three other friends. Seena loved being "part of the girls".

AJ's first ride! He looks thrilled, can't you tell?

This is the 2nd ride. This one is a little better :)

I lied, this ride was the only ride AJ did not not get on. Seena gets brave and rides with her hands up!

Teen and Seena

Whoa!!  This one just makes me laugh every time :)

This is one of my favorite pictues. This ride was so cute. It was a bunch of mini trucks on a track. The kids got a 2nd wind 20 minutes before the park was going to close and they ran from ride to ride trying to get one last in.

Great memories!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

I love birthdays, especially mine :) Ha! I said it. I admit it. I love it, I love the attention. It's not even the gifts really, it's just for the simple fact that for one a day a year, only one day, it's all about me :) I deserve one day, right?

I know it's totally silly but that's me. If I had the time and money I think I would throw myself a BIG party every year. Hahaha! But why shouldn't I celebrate? 36 years ago I was born and I'm still alive today, happy and complete as ever!

Life brings me total joy and on my birthday, it is all about life!

Happy Birthday to ME!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring AKA Sugar Break 2010 (Part 1 of 3)

I've been a little behind on posting...I have not recuperated from our Road Trip to Hershey Park yet. So for now, I will copy Ms. Danifred's posting of Spring Break activities part by part...stay tuned :)

I think for 2010 we need to rename this year's Spring Break to Sugar Break...literally. The week started off good and healthy but ended in a mass of chocolately, jelly bean, sugary hell heaven....

Our Sugar Fest started with the Circus. This was a special night as it was the first night in a VERY long time that G had off and we (G, Seena and I) went on a date together. It was great! I think Seena is going through the middle child syndrome so it was so nice to be able to have a special night that was just centered around her. Seena has never been to the circus so it was wonderful to see her excitement at all of the tricks and show animals. Her favorite were the little dogs.

From the moment we walked in the door G bought Seena a bag of cotton candy that cost almost my whole paycheck (yes, it's a bit exaggerated but you get the point) and a box of popcorn. Just these two items alone were $19. These prices rival the movie theater! At intermission G began scoping the aisles for the concession men passing out delicious goodies. I swear, he's worse than a kid sometimes. Unfortunately, I was no match for G and he bought Seena a "Smore on a Stick". I mean, really, do I need to tell you how that, on top of everything else, affected Miss Seena?

Ding, ding, ding...if you guessed "crazy" you are correct! Seena literally went into sugar shock and was bouncing around as if she had 3 shots of espresso. The poor girl could not sit still and she couldn't stop talking....gibberish nonsense. Oh, and I forgot to mention she drank at least 1/2 of my gigantic, which was the smallest size available, diet coke. It, she was crazy.

BUT besides that it really was a great night.

P.S. I would post some pictures (some really cute ones too) but I accidentally deleted them off my camera before saving them on the computer. Not nice :(